Spicy pears with cheese

  • 2 big pears
  • 2 pinches of ginger
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon
  • 2 pinches of nutmeg
  • vanilla flavouring for cakes (from a bottle)
  • 4 tablespoons Mascarpone cheese
  • 4 tablespoons liquid honey


Peel the pears, cut into two and deseed them. Pour a few drops of vanilla flavouring into each hollow. Mix ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. Dust the cut pears with spices. Place the pears in the FitFryer basket and roast for 15–20 minutes at 180ºC. Place the roasted pears on plates and add a tablespoon of Mascarpone cheese into each hollow. Pour the honey over the pears. Tastes best while the pears are still warm.

With more taste and fewer calories

  • ingredients are roasted thanks to the circulation of hot air.
  • ready products are crispy outside, and tender and juicy inside
  • only a touch of fat (one tablespoon) is used, and simply to carry the taste

To do what?

  • Roast raw and frozen products
  • Prepare pieces of meat and fish, with or without bread crumbs
  • Prepare chips, or roasted potato or vegetable slices
  • Prepare delicious fruit desserts, served hot

So easy

  • FitFryer is equipped with only two knobs - for adjusting the duration and temperature
  • A sound indicates the end of roasting
  • Thanks to the non-stick coatings and small amount of fat, the deep fryer is easy to keep clean


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