Unlike other storage methods, vacuum storage extends the freshness and storage life of food by up to 5 times.

When kept in vacuum-sealed bags, food is protected against the ingress of air and bacteria. Vacuum-stored food preserves its natural flavour, texture and appealing appearance.

The vacuum sealer is used for the innovative sous vide cooking method. This consists of the slow cooking of food in sealed vacuum bags immersed in water where the temperature does not change. The Sam Cook range also includes a sous vide cooker, designed to circulate the cooking water and controls its temperature while the food cooks.

To do what?

  • for preparing food using the sous-vide method
  • for storing refrigerated or frozen products
  • for vacuum-sealing of non-food products, including maps or mobile phones, to protect them against moisture, for vacuum sealing of soft and liquid products (e.g. soups, pâtés and desserts). Pre-freezing is recommended.
  • products sealed in bags do not exude any smell
  • some products need to be frozen before sealing (e.g. bread, pâtés) so that they do not lose their shape when the air is removed
  • wet products (e.g. meat) need to be pat dried with a paper towel before sealing
  • vacuum-sealed products can be stored in a refrigerator or a freezer, or sous-vide We can divide bought food products into portions to use them at any time
  • it is useful to mark bags or pouches with their contents before they are placed in a freezer

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