• 2 handfuls of our vegetables of choice (spinach, corn salad, kale, beet greens, wheat grass, barley grass, parsley, or celery)
  • our favourite fruit (banana, apple, pineapple, or pear)
  • lemon
  • water, or even ice cubes


Fit the wide mesh sieve in the juicer. Rinse the green parts of the plants and add them, piece by piece. Finally, it is recommended to squeeze the juice from a harder fruit or vegetable (apple, carrot or parsley root) in order to remove the leaves remaining in the juicer. Put the juice, water (approx. 500 ml) and fruit in the blender and blend for 2–3 minutes. Pour the smoothie into glasses, making about 2 servings, and add ice cubes. The chlorophyll smoothie has superior detoxification proper­ties, which is why we should drink it slowly and not more than
300–400 ml servings per day.

Slow version of technology

  • three-stage process: shredding, crushing and juicing
  • internal mechanism rotates at a speed of only (!) 33 rotations per minute, to ensure exceptional accuracy of operation
  • thanks to the slower rotation, the juice is not heated or aerated
  • components are BPA-free


  • large and safe fruit and vegetable feeder (less need to cut products beforehand)
  • two replaceable sieves – fine and wide meshes – to get more or less clear juice
  • automatic cleaning


Our juice

  • fresh juices, unaerated and unheated – can be refrigerated for up to 72 hours
  • we choose our favourite fruit and vegetables, and the thickness and taste of the beverage
  • we squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the ingredients - the slow-rotating juicer works very accurately and efficiently
  • juice is a great base for preparing smoothies, sorbets and desserts

Our health

  • freshly squeezed juice is the best source of vitamins and minerals
  • daily consumption of such beverages guarantees helps to strengthen our immunity and sense of wellbeing
  • for precious fibre from fruit and vegetables – use the wider-mesh sieve when squeezing
  • drinking vegetable or fruit-and-vegetable juices are the best for our health – the fruit alone contains too much sugar
  • juice from the green parts of plants (spinach leaves and parsley) has strong detoxifying properties – we should drink it slowly, not more often than once a day

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